Rudy Mawer Reviews (2024): Can His ROI Machines Program Make You Money?

Rudy Mawer Review

The digital marketing world has exploded in the past decade, leading to over 120,000 marketing agencies in the US alone.

With 2.6 billion online shoppers making up 33% of the world’s population, it’s no wonder—from fully online businesses to those casting their nets both online and offline, these marketing agencies have become the go-to solution for anyone wanting to stand out in the digital space.

But with such high demand, we’ve ended up with an “anything sells” mentality where many agencies don’t bring great value. This often comes from subpar educational programs that don’t properly teach the digital marketing business model.

In my Rudy Mawer reviews, I’ll dive into his ROI Machines program to see where it stands. Is it top-notch, a total scam, or somewhere in between?

So, let’s dive deeper into the rabbit hole of what it takes to run a successful marketing agency, uncover some pitfalls of the business model, and explore a potentially better option you might not have heard of yet. Let’s begin:


Average Rating


Rudy Mawer’s ROI Machines program offers a bunch of marketing services, like funnel development and ad deployment across various platforms. However, despite the big promises, the program often doesn’t deliver consistent results. You’ll find misleading promises, subpar content, poor customer service, and a very demanding refund policy—all red flags to watch out for. While there are some success stories, unrealistic expectations and a lack of transparency bring down the overall experience.


  • The program covers a bunch of aspects of digital marketing, which might give you a full toolkit to work with.
  • You get access to proven funnels, which saves a ton of time in creating a good marketing strategy from scratch.
  • The program includes sessions with high-profile marketers, giving you valuable industry insights that you wouldn't easily get elsewhere.


  • The program often doesn’t deliver the high returns it promises, leaving many participants feeling frustrated and let down.
  • Unresponsive and inadequate customer support make it tough to get the help you need when you hit a snag.
  • The VIP services are quite pricey, and many users feel the hefty investment doesn’t really pay off in the end.

TLDR: Flashy On The Outside, Shoddy On The Inside

TLDR What’s The Verdict On Rudy Mawer

Facebook Ads, Google ads, YouTube Ads, email marketing, funnel creation, copywriting—oh my god, the list of what this course offers just goes on and on!

So, isn’t this the ultimate deal for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to become digital marketing wizards? I mean, “bigger number better,” and this program has so much packed in!

Well, that’s just at first glance…

Rudy Mawer is a successful internet marketer but once you dig a bit deeper into his program, it seems he doesn’t wish the same success to others.

ROI Machines is a full-blown digital marketing agency program where Rudy promises to skyrocket your ROI. Depending on your budget, you can choose his $27 offering or the VIP treatment that can go up to $20k. This wide range makes you wonder where the point of diminishing returns starts to set in.

Whatever the case might be, I don’t recommend buying any of it.

So why not? It seems loaded with value. Yeah, but that’s just on the surface. Unlike many other programs, this one has been reviewed by past users, and the reviews aren’t great. The general consensus is that Rudy promises a lot, underdelivers, and then more or less disappears when you express dissatisfaction.

His refund policy reflects this behavior, giving you only 7 days to ask for a refund, and only after you’ve jumped through numerous hoops and completed most of the program—something many users feel is impossible within such a short time frame.

To add insult to injury, some of his past employees tell a similar story, suggesting that both his programs and his workplace follow a “churn and burn” model. New people come in, get burnt out, and leave, only to be replaced by the next group to do the same.

It’s safe to say you shouldn’t trust your money with this program, which shows such poor respect for the people involved in it.

How about switching to something more concrete? The Digital Rental Method keeps everyone happy with a much higher chance of success. Here’s how it works:

  • Set up a website
  • Rank it on Google
  • Rent it out to local businesses

You help them; they pay you. This process is so easy to replicate, and each of these sites can earn you up to $2000/month! Ready for a change? Go here to learn more.

Time Investment2 out of 5 starsYou need to invest a lot of time daily to see meaningful returns. The workload is heavy, and progress can be slow.
Level Of Command3 out of 5 starsYou have some control over your business, but many factors depend on Rudy’s team, which can limit your decision-making.
Ease Of Implementation2 out of 5 starsThe tasks are complex and require a steep learning curve. You’ll need consistent, clear guidance to succeed, which can be tough to come by due to poor customer service.
Profit Potential4 out of 5 starsThe profit potential is great if everything aligns perfectly, but high costs and inconsistent support can make this difficult to pull off.

Who Benefits from ROI Machines & Who Doesn’t?

Who Benefits From Rudy Mawer

In this section, I’ll outline who stands to gain the most from the program and who might end up disappointed. This way, you can make a more informed decision about whether to invest your time and money.

This program might be for you if:

  1. You’re an established business owner: If you already have a successful business and are looking to scale, the high-level marketing strategies and funnels provided could help you grow even more.
  2. You have a solid marketing budget: The VIP services are expensive, but if you can afford to invest heavily in your marketing, the returns from the advanced strategies might be worth it. .
  3. You thrive in a structured environment: The 30-Day Challenge provides daily guidance, perfect if you like a clear, step-by-step approach to learning and applying new strategies.

This program might not be for you if:

  1. You’re on a tight budget: With high costs and a restrictive refund policy, this program can be a financial burden, especially if the results don’t meet your expectations.
  2. You’re new to digital marketing: The program seems geared toward those with some existing knowledge and experience. If you’re just starting out, the content might feel overwhelming and less useful.
  3. You need hands-on, responsive support: Many users have complained about poor customer service and unhelpful responses, which can be frustrating if you need timely and effective support.

So, where do you stand? Can you handle all the expenses with the hope of eventually making a profit? If not, don’t stress. There are other options that might just click with you.

For a deeper dive into digital marketing education, explore my comprehensive listing article on the best Digital Marketing Courses & Gurus, highlighting the top choices for aspiring marketers.

Program 1,000 FT View: Rudy Mawer Review In-Depth

1000 FT View Of Rudy Mawer

Spill the tea on Rudy Mawer’s ROI Machines program! I’m about to dissect this thing to see if it’s worth your cash. Think of it like marketing bootcamp – gotta know what you’re getting into, right?

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • Who’s Rudy Mawer?
  • What’s a Marketing Agency?
  • How much will this program cost?
  • Can you ditch out if it’s not a good fit?

By the end of this, you’ll know everything about ROI Machines and be ready to decide if it’s the magic marketing bullet you’ve been looking for.

Who Is Rudy Mawer?

Rudy Mawer

Rudy Mawer is a big name in the world of entrepreneurship and digital marketing. He’s made a splash by scaling online brands and creating successful eCommerce businesses.

Rudy’s got some impressive credentials. He’s a Forbes Agency Partner and has been involved in several high-profile ventures. He co-founded the Marketing Capital group with Kevin Harrington, the Original Shark from the TV show “Shark Tank.”

His marketing agency, ROI Machines, offers services to help businesses grow through effective digital strategies. Over the years, Rudy has helped generate over $200 million in revenue for his clients, working across industries from fitness to eCommerce.

Social Media PagesLink
Facebook79K Followers
LinkedIn500+ Connections
Instagram1.1M Followers

What Is a Marketing Agency?

advertising agency breakdown

A marketing agency is supposed to help businesses promote their products or services both online and offline. They offer all kinds of services like digital marketing, social media marketing, content creation, SEO, and more. The idea is to drive traffic, boost brand awareness, and ultimately increase sales.

But even so, a lot of people find these agencies promise big but often don’t deliver. Here are some of the most common problems:

  • Unrealistic expectations: Agencies often promise quick results, which rarely happen. It’s often hard to track down the core issue of these failures, so most of the time, such flops go unaddressed.
  • High costs: These services can be really expensive, and it’s not always clear if the investment pays off, making it tough to justify the expense.
  • Poor communication: Sometimes, agencies don’t keep you in the loop, leaving you confused about what’s going on with your campaigns.
  • Low-quality content: Some agencies produce content that doesn’t engage or convert, which is basically just wasting your money.
  • Lack of long-term strategy: Many agencies focus on short-term wins, but that doesn’t help sustain growth. Once the initial boost fades, businesses often find themselves back at square one.

Sure, some businesses do well with marketing agencies, but many find the experience frustrating and way too costly.

Tired of the rollercoaster? Try this: Set up websites, get them ranking high on Google, then rent them out for sweet, semi-passive income. Here’s how it works.

How Much Does The ROI Machines Program Cost?


Rudy Mawer’s ROI Machines program isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. They offer different packages with various features, and the price reflects that. Let’s break down what you get for your buck:

  • DIY Courses ($27-$97): Learn Facebook Ads, funnels & email marketing at your own pace with video tutorials & templates.
  • 30-Day Challenge ($30): Intensive 30-day program with daily training, Rudy’s best funnels & Facebook Ads mastery for $30.
  • VIP Growth Package ($12k-$20k/month): Premium service with personalized marketing strategies, funnel creation, ad management & high-level copywriting. Big bucks for big growth (hopefully).

ROI Machines aims to be your all-in-one marketing solution, but the investment can be steep, especially for VIPs. You decide if the return justifies the price.

Can You Get a Refund?


ROI Machines has a pretty strict refund policy, so be prepared to jump through some hoops if you’re considering a purchase.

You only have 7 days to request your money back, and even then, they’ll consider a full refund only if you’ve actively used the course materials and can demonstrably show you weren’t happy with the results or found no value.

On top of that, some users have reported issues getting refunds even when they met these conditions. So, if you’re on the fence about ROI Machines, it’s best to be absolutely sure before you buy.

My Opinion: Will Rudy Mawer Scam You?

my opinion

Alright, alright, so by now, you’ve gotten the idea of Rudy Mawer and his program, right? No need to bore you with the same details again. Instead, let’s talk about the key things to consider when picking a program and then see how ROI Machines stacks up.

First up, your mentor should be fired up about this stuff! Like, insanely passionate.

Now, Rudy Mawer might be a marketing whiz; it seems like he promises the moon and delivers pebbles. Users say they felt unsupported, which is a major turn-off. Strike one!

Next, check out online reviews from past students. Think of them as your intel reports.

Unfortunately, reviews for ROI Machines are all over the place, with a lot of people feeling frustrated by broken promises and bad customer service.

Finally, consider the long haul. Can you really see yourself doing this for a decade?

ROI Machines is on the pricey side, and there have been reports of burnout from both students and even their own crew. Not exactly a recipe for long-term success.

So, the big question: Will Rudy Mawer scam you? Well, while I’m sure he won’t outright scam you, with all these red flags and negative reviews, there’s a chance you might invest in a program that falls short.

If you want my advice, proceed with caution and weigh all your options before you jump in.

And speaking of options, maybe put the Digital Rental Method on your radar?

Imagine trading the daily grind for building a thriving business, with enough freedom to spend your afternoons catching waves in Waikiki or sipping mai tais under swaying palm trees.

Over 3,000 students are already doing just that with the Digital Rental Method’s rank and rent system:

  • Put up a website and rank it on Google
  • Lease it to local businesses
  • Collect $2,000-$10,000 (or more) each month in semi-passive income

Ready to ditch the struggle? Go here for all the exciting details.

What’s Inside The ROI Machines Program?

The ROI Machines program by Rudy Mawer is divided into daily lessons over a 30-day challenge aimed at helping you master digital marketing. Here’s a closer look at what you’ll find inside:

Phase 1: Offer and Funnel Creation

  • Day 1: Perfecting Your Offer Learn to create standout offers that grab attention.
  • Day 2: Your Perfect Avatar Plan Define your target audience to enhance marketing.
  • Day 3: Your 10x Product Stack Stack products to maximize value and boost sales.
  • Day 4: 10 Elements Of A High-Converting Sales Page Key elements for a high-converting sales page.
  • Day 5: How To Double Initial Sales With Upsells Upselling techniques to significantly boost revenue
  • Day 6-7: Live Q/A Support / Personal Help Live sessions for questions and guidance.
  • Day 8: Backend Email Automation Set up email automation for customer engagement.
  • Day 9: Cart / Order Bump to Double Sales: Add order bumps at checkout to increase sales.
  • Day 10: Exit Pop That Made Me $75,000 Implement exit pop-ups to recapture lost sales.

Phase 2: Launch Ads

  • Day 11: Facebook Creative Masterclass Create effective FB ads with top examples.
  • Day 12: Facebook CBO Management Manage Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO).
  • Day 13-14: Live Q/A Support / Personal Help Live support sessions for ad launches.
  • Day 15: Facebook Audience Scale & Tricks Scale Facebook ads to reach larger audiences.
  • Day 16: IG Story Ads to Half Costs Use Instagram Stories ads to lower costs.
  • Day 17: Monitoring & Optimizing Your Ads Track and optimize ad performance.
  • Day 18: Advanced Facebook Bidding Strategies Advanced tactics for Facebook bidding.
  • Day 19: Rudy’s Omnipresence Re-Targeting System Retargeting system across multiple platforms.

Phase 3: Optimize and Scale

  • Day 21-22: Live Q/A Support / Personal Help Continued support for optimization and scaling.
  • Day 23: Ecom Quiz Funnels To Generate Unlimited Leads/Sales! Create quiz funnels to attract and convert leads.
  • Day 24: Million $ Conversion Rate Optimization Optimize conversion rates to maximize sales.
  • Day 25: Boosting AOV + LTV to Scale Increase Average Order Value (AOV) and Lifetime Value (LTV).
  • Day 26: SMS Text Message Secrets Use SMS marketing to engage customers.
  • Day 27-28: Live Q/A Support / Personal Help Final live sessions for questions and support.
  • Day 29: Scaling Beyond 30 Days Guidance on scaling campaigns long-term.
  • Day 30: Secret 100 Million $ Guest Speaker Celebrity Insights from a successful industry celebrity.

The program also throws in bonuses like Rudy’s top messenger bots and advanced ad training modules. While it looks packed with practical, actionable tips, user reviews paint a slightly different picture.

Mawer Capital Reviews Bottom Line

Is ROI Machines worth it? I don’t think so. Sure, they offer a ton of content, but it can be pricey, and the customer service isn’t great. Also, while Rudy makes big promises, some people feel the program lacks a clear strategy to keep their business growing in the long run.

If you’re looking for something more reliable and affordable that will actually help you build a lasting online presence, make sure to check out the Digital Rental Method.

It’s a hands-on approach that teaches you sustainable practices so you can avoid the boom-and-bust cycle of the ROI Machines.

What Is My #1 Recommendation For Making Money In 2024?


I’ve personally tried a bunch of online business models: Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, Affiliate marketing, you name it!

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down, the Digital Rental Method.

Whether you’re a complete newbie or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


1) Flexible Schedule & Dream Lifestyle: This isn’t an all-or-nothing deal. Even an hour or two a day can work, and if you want to go all in, that’s cool, too. The beauty is the money you make keeps coming in, even when you’re not glued to your desk.

With ROI Machines, there’s a ton to keep track of, and it’s easy to drop everything once the 30-day challenge is over. That’s when the real work starts, not ends!

2) Be Your Own Boss: You’re in complete control; nobody can yank the rug out from under you. With ROI Machines, you put in the effort, but there’s no guarantee it pays off. The Digital Rental Method lets you be your own boss, build your business how you see fit, and take control of your success.

3) Double Down in a Flash: Here’s the best part: Once you set up your first digital rental property, it’s like copy-pasting success. Just make a copy, find another renter, and boom – your income doubles. Easy peasy.

Building an agency with ROI Machines can feel like taking a slow boat to Hawaii. It takes forever (months or even years!), and you might get seasick from all the work involved.

4) Fat Profit Margins: With the Digital Rental Method, you’re basically keeping almost all the cash. We’re talking near 100% profit margins!

These digital rentals are like money machines, churning out $500-$2000 a month on autopilot. And the more you build, the more you earn, with less effort needed each time.

5) Make a Real Difference: The Digital Rental Method isn’t just about you. It’s about helping real people with real problems. Small businesses need customers, and you can be their hero by bringing them in.

They’ll be thrilled, and you’ll get paid for it. Think about it: you could be helping a parent put food on the table, pay for college, or just live a little easier. That’s pretty impactful!

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other programs like Rudy Mawer’s ROI Machine, which might work out.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or a few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people who need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.

Elijah Olivas
Founder | 9 To 5 Renegade

Hey, I'm Elijah! I ditched the typical 9-to-5 after realizing it wasn't for me. Once I graduated, I launched a garage door and fence business but struggled to attract customers. That changed with a local marketing course, which skyrocketed my business.

Now, I run Digital Shortcuts, sharing insights about life-altering courses. It's about carving your own path and discovering what truly changes your life. Join me in exploring these unique journeys and turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Learn more about my #1 opportunity here.