Best Digital Marketing Courses & Gurus In 2024

Hey there, fellow digital marketing enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly on the lookout for ways to sharpen your skills and stay ahead in this fast-paced industry. That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to the best digital marketing courses and gurus of 2024.

In today’s digital age, mastering the art of marketing online is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re a seasoned professional seeking to refine your strategies or a newbie eager to dive into the world of digital marketing, choosing the right course can be a game-changer.

Within these pages, you’ll find my honest reviews and insights on some of the most popular digital marketing courses and gurus currently making waves in the industry. From social media marketing to SEO and beyond, I’ve carefully curated this list to offer you a diverse range of options to suit your interests and skill level.

Each review is based on my personal experiences and thorough research, covering everything from course content and instructor expertise to student feedback and overall value. So whether you’re looking for in-depth training, actionable insights, or a supportive community to connect with, I’ve got you covered.

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s explore together the best digital marketing courses and gurus that 2024 has to offer. It’s time to elevate your skills, expand your knowledge, and take your digital marketing game to new heights!

Digital CEOs

Joshua T. Osborne, the guru behind the Digital CEOs course, turned his life around from being in jail to owning over a hundred websites, and now he’s sharing his secrets with you! This course is not just about learning digital marketing, it’s unique because it offers daily live coaching workshops and a one-on-one success coach to help you through the process. Plus, they teach the cool “digital leasing method,” which could make you more money than renting out a real house! Check out my Digital CEOs review for more info on how to get started.

Douglas James Marketing

If you’re thinking about boosting your business skills, check out my Douglas James Training review. It’s a course that teaches you how to sell big-ticket stuff online. Douglas James, the guy who made the course, used to help people as a Navy Corpsman. Now, he uses what he learned to show others how to create ads that really work. Plus, his course has over 50 funnels and ads ready to go, which is pretty handy. It’s like getting a box of tools, all set up for you to start building your business!


Hey, did you know that the co-founder of Leadific, Abdul Farooqi, also helped create the ‘Modern Millionaires’ program? Pretty cool, right? Well, Leadific itself is unique because it’s not just about getting more leads, it’s about making those leads count. It’s got all these awesome tools to help small businesses like lawyers and plumbers ramp up their sales. And the best part? It’s super easy to use, even if you’re not a tech whiz. If you wanna learn more, check out my awesome Leadific review.

The Modern Millionaires

Did you know that Abdul Samad, one of the brains behind The Modern Millionaires, kicked off his career as an investment banker? It’s true! And something super unique about their course is that it’s not just about learning, it’s about doing. Students get real-world skills in lead flipping, which is like finding gold mines online for businesses. If you want to check out what others think of their program, you can look up my The Modern Millionaires review to see what’s up!

Agency Coach

In our latest Agency Coach review, we found out a cool thing: the guru used to be a rock band manager! The course has a unique twist—it includes a game where you run a virtual agency to practice your skills. This isn’t just any old class; it’s like playing and learning simultaneously. You get to try out what you learn right away in the game. It’s a fun way to make sure you get the lessons.

Agency BTS Masterclass

Jeff Miller’s Agency BTS Masterclass Review spills the beans on how to run a Facebook ads agency. This course, taught by a guru who’s worked with big names like PepsiCo, is unique because it teaches you to start getting clients in just 30 minutes and run your agency with a whopping 75% profit margin. Plus, it’s packed with real templates and scripts to make things super simple. And here’s a fun fact: Jeff lands up to 8 clients monthly using the very strategies he shares! Check out my Agency BTS Masterclass review for the full scoop.

Free Model Challenge

Ashley Shaw, who once rocked the fitness world, now leads the Free Model Challenge Review, a cool 5-day event where you can learn to make 3D models even if you’ve never tried it before. It’s unique ’cause it uses Blender, a free tool that even pros love. You get to hang with others learning the same stuff in a special group. And guess what? Ashley used to manage a whole bunch of gyms before she got into this. Now, she’s all about helping you make neat 3D designs. Check out my Free Model Challenge review.

Growth Partner Accelerator

Jacob Le Vine and Jordan Lee’s Growth Partner Accelerator program is a game-changer for digital marketing agencies. It’s not your average course; it teaches you to team up with CEOs and rake in bigger bucks. Fun fact: Jacob once turned a hobby blog into a major moneymaker! This course is special because it promises if you don’t make $50,000 in 5 months, you get your cashback. Plus, you learn to pick clients that fit your style. For a full scoop, check out my Growth Partner Accelerator review.

Creative Testing Mastery

Check out my Creative Testing Mastery review to learn about Will Perry’s unique course that’s perfect for entrepreneurs wanting to up their ad game. Did you know Perry is not just a marketing pro but also a magician in his free time? His course stands out because it includes a special Slack group where you can chat with other ad wizards. It’s like a secret club for ad success!

Ogline Digital

Dylan Ogline started his first biz when he was just a kid and now he’s teaching others how to make big money with digital ads. His company, Ogline Digital, focuses on just a few things but does them super well. Fun fact: Dylan dropped out of school and still made a 7-figure business! His course is unique ’cause it shows you how to keep things simple and still grow your agency. Wanna learn more? Check out my Ogline Digital review!”

Sam Ovens Skool

Check out my Sam Ovens Skool review to learn about a cool place online where you can make and run your courses. This place is made by a guy named Sam Ovens who once lived in his parents’ garage but now he’s a big deal in the online world. This Skool thing is special because it helps you make a strong group of people who care about what you’re teaching, without getting lost in stuff like too many emails or ads. Plus, they’ve got this neat thing where you can earn points and level up the more you join in!

SwaS Accelerator

Pavel Ketsuk isn’t just any guru, he’s a digital marketing whiz who loves to share his skateboard tricks when he’s not teaching. His SwaS Accelerator course stands out because it’s not just about learning, it’s about doing. You get to play with a cool tool called HighLevel, and Pavel shows you how to make it your own. Plus, you’ll learn to pick a niche and find people to work for you. It’s like learning to run your own mini digital marketing shop. Check out my SwaS Accelerator review.

Fox Legends Program

Rob O’Rourke’s Fox Legends Program isn’t just any old web design course, it’s a full-on business class that teaches you the ropes from the ground up. Did you know Rob used to work in construction before he hit it big in web design? Talk about a cool switch! This course has some sweet extras like Google Ads and SEO training. And hey, if you’re wondering if it’s worth the bucks, you can check out what folks are saying in my Fox Legends Program review.

Digital Product Academy

Hey, did you know Amy Porterfield, the brain behind the Digital Product Academy, once worked with the big-time motivational speaker Tony Robbins? That’s pretty cool, right? Well, her course is all about teaching folks how to make and sell their online courses. It’s got these neat modules and even a Facebook group where you can chat with other people taking the course. Plus, there’s this unique bonus where you get legal contract tips from a real lawyer! If you wanna learn more, check out my Digital Product Academy review.

Get Logo Sales

Check out my Get Logo Sales review for the lowdown on a cool online spot to make your business look sharp. The fun fact? The guru behind it all is not just a design whiz but also a magic trick master – talk about a unique twist! This course isn’t just your average design class, it’s packed with pro tips and a secret sauce that makes logos pop. You don’t need to be a brainiac to get it – it’s made for everyone!

Automatic Income Academy

Graham Cochrane’s Automatic Income Academy review spills the beans on his secret sauce for making dough online. Cochrane, a dude who once lived on food stamps, now rocks a 7-figure business and shares his smarts on turning your know-how into cash. The course ain’t just a bunch of talk; it’s got real action steps, like using cool freebies to get folks to sign up for your emails. Did you know this guy’s got a bunny named Willow? That’s some fun, fluffy trivia right there! Check out the course and see if it’s your jam.

AIVA Method

Check out my AIVA Method review to learn about a cool way to make money with AI. The guy who made it, Luke Darling, used to earn big bucks in real estate. Now, he’s teaching folks how to build their own AI software business. What’s neat is that you don’t need to be a tech whiz! The course is all about making your business stand out in a market that’s just gonna get bigger.

Freedom Business Mentoring

If you’re thinking about starting an online biz, you might wanna check out my Freedom Business Mentoring review. It’s all about Max Tornow’s program that helps folks learn to sell their skills online. Fun fact: Max used to work with a group called RSD before he kicked off his own gig. What’s cool about his course is that it doesn’t just give you videos to watch. You actually get to talk to other students and Max himself every week. That’s pretty different from other online classes. Plus, you don’t need a big following to start making cash with what he teaches.

Tyler Narducci

Tyler Narducci is a young entrepreneur who’s not only made a name for himself but also has an impressive $11 million net worth by the age of 29. In his Done For You Agency Program, he shares his secrets to building successful marketing agencies fast. What’s cool about this course is that it comes with weekly coaching calls and sales funnel customization, which is pretty unique. Did you know Tyler has been featured in big-time mags like Forbes? If you wanna learn more, check out my Tyler Narducci review.

AI Ads Machine

Check out my AI Ads Machine review to learn about a cool course that teaches you how to rock at online ads using AI. The guru who teaches it has a neat trick – he once boosted an ad’s clicks by 200% just by changing the picture! What’s super unique is that the course shows you how to make ads that can actually chat with people. Isn’t that wild? You don’t have to be a genius, it’s made for anyone who wants to get better at selling stuff online.

SEO For Writers

Hey, did you know the dude teaching SEO Writing can hike up his rates ’cause he knows his stuff? This class isn’t just the usual yawnfest; it’s got cool tricks for writing stuff that Google loves. They throw in a worksheet to practice on, which is pretty cool. Check out my SEO For Writers review to get the details on how to make your words really click with folks online.

Freedom Business Mentoring

Max Tornow’s Freedom Business Mentoring program is all about making bucks online by doing what you dig. Max, who’s got a knack for this stuff, even climbed a mountain in just his undies! Talk about chill! This course ain’t your regular class; it’s got a rad method that helps you find a cool niche and score clients. Plus, you get to join a gang of folks just like you. Wanna know if it’s worth your dough? Check out my Freedom Business Mentoring review.

Modern Wealthy

Check out my Modern Wealthy review for the lowdown on an online course that’s all about making bucks without being tied to a desk. The guru behind it, Stuart Ross, isn’t just a big brain in digital marketing; the dude’s also a magician, seriously! What’s unique about this course is it’s not just talk; it shows you how to spot money-making niches and get traffic on autopilot. You get to learn how to partner up with Amazon and reach folks all over the globe. And hey, if you’re not feeling it, there’s a 30-day money-back promise.

Local Service Mastery

Lior Vaknin, the brain behind Local Service Mastery, once ran his own 24/7 garage door service, so he knows a thing or two about local business hustle. His course is unique because it doesn’t just stop at Google Ads and SEO; it digs into how to chat with customers using online reviews. If you’re curious about ramping up your local business, check out my Local Service Mastery review. It’s got the lowdown on everything from pricing to what makes this course stand out.

Shawn Joshi

Shawn Joshi is a digital marketing whiz who started his journey with a lemonade stand at age 7 and now teaches folks how to rock their online biz. His Google Business Execution Plan is not just any old course; it’s like a treasure map that leads you to the top of Google’s search results. Plus, it’s got a secret sauce called The E3 Formula that makes your Google posts super engaging. Want to know if it’s worth your time and cash? Check out my Shawn Joshi reviews to see what the real deal is.

Lead Gen Accelerator

Check out my Lead Gen Accelerator review a deep look at a cool program that teaches you how to get more people to check out your business online. The guy who made it, Faizan Saeed, is not just smart at marketing; he also did some pretty neat magic tricks in his past! This course is special because it shows you how to find your first customer in just a month and make your business big, like $10,000 a month big, with stuff like emails that people want to read.

Supreme Campus

Check out my Supreme Campus review to get the lowdown on AC Hampton’s Supreme Ecom Blueprint Course 3.0. AC ain’t just a guru; he’s a real-deal 8-figure business coach who smashed it with $1.7 million in sales in under nine months. His course is unique ’cause it dishes out 950 hot products that could help you score big in the dropshipping game. Plus, you’ll get the inside track on Facebook ads to drive traffic to your shop. Don’t miss out on these killer tips!

ROI Machines

Rudy Mawer, a multimillionaire by 26 and a fitness guru, isn’t just about lifting weights; he’s also lifting businesses with his ad skills. His Facebook ads course is unique because it teaches you to create ads that are like a magnet, pulling customers in. Plus, it’s not every day that a course tells you to use real people’s stories to sell stuff. That’s pretty smart, right? And get this, Rudy’s not just about making money; he’s also a sports nutritionist who helps famous athletes stay in tip-top shape. Check my Rudy Mawer review to learn more about his courses and see if they’re the right fit for your business game plan.